League By Laws

Charlotte Rainbowlers By-Laws 2023-2024

Rule 1. Schedule
The Charlotte Rainbowlers shall consist of “N” number of teams with a playing strength of 4 members. The league will bowl on Mondays for two 13-week seasons. Practice will begin at 7:20 PM with League Play starting promptly at 7:30 PM. The Fall Pre-Season meeting will take place on August 28, 2023 at 7:30 PM at Sidelines Sports Bar. The Fall League will begin on September 11, 2023 and will end on December 4, 2023 {unless adjusted for an unforeseen event}. The Fall Playoff round will take place as the final night of league play, December 4, 2023. The Fall Awards Banquet will take place on December 11, 2023 at 7:30 PM at Sidelines Sports Bar. The Spring Pre-season Meeting will take place on January 8, 2024 at 7:30 PM at Sidelines Sports Bar. The Spring League will begin on January 22, 2023 and will end on April 15, 2024 {unless adjusted for an unforeseen event}. The Spring Playoff round will take place as the final night of league play on April 15, 2024. The Spring Awards Banquet will take place on April 22, 2024 at 7:30 PM at Sidelines Sports Bar. The league will not bowl between December 5, 2023, January 21, 2024.

Rule 2. Management
The management of the league shall be vested in the league Board of Directors, which shall consist of the officers and team captains. Board meetings will be held once per quarter; September 25, 2023, November 6, 2023, February 5, 2024, and March 18, 2024, at Bowlero Centennial Lanes at 7:00 PM. The league membership shall elect officers and adopt league rules. A majority of 2/3rd votes shall constitute a quorum. League officers are elected each season with no limits on the number of terms held.

Rule 3. Fees & Salary
Weekly fees are $21.00, comprising of
$ l4.50 lineage fee;
$ 0.25 for secretary;
$ 0.25 for treasurer’s fee;
$ 6.00 for prize fund.
One-time annual fees are $25.00, comprising of
$ 22.00 USBC annual membership fee;
$ 3.00 IGBO fee.
All prize funds will be paid out at the completion of the league schedule and average sheets have been submitted to Greater Charlotte USBC. All funds will be deposited in the league bank account. Games shall be forfeited by any members not current in league fee payments by more than 2 WEEKS. Any bowler more than 2 weeks in arrears shall not be allowed to participate in league competition. Any team captain allowing a member in arrears to participate shall forfeit all games in which the delinquent member competes. The bowling fees for the last 2 weeks (November 27, 2023, and December 4, 2023, for fall and April 1, 2024, and April 8, 2024) shall be paid by each member before the completion of the third week of bowling (September 25, 2023, and February 5, 2024, respectively) along with IGBO and USBC fees. If for any reason the last 2 weeks money is owed, it must be paid in cash. No checks will be accepted the last 2 weeks of bowling of each season. Season prepayments are encouraged but not required. Team Captains are responsible for reviewing, initialing and turning in team envelopes. Team envelopes are due to the league treasurer no later than completion of the first game. Envelopes need to be marked with the appropriate payment method (CK for check, CC for Debit/Credit Cards, and blank for cash).

Rule 4. League Funds
An account will be maintained in the name of the “Charlotte Rainbowlers” at Bank of America and funds shall be deposited. The President of the league shall receive a statement each month.

Rule 5. Prizes
The Prize Committee shall consist of the League Officers and the Team Captains. The Prize committee will meet the third week of bowling (September 25, 2023 for fall and February 5, 2024 for spring) to discuss the prize payout options.
Rule 6. Entering Average
Bowlers that bowled in a USBC sanctioned league during 2022-2023 and bowled a minimum of 21 games; then league year-end averages will be used as entering averages. Averages will be established after the first 3 games of bowling (first week of League Play); additionally, this average will be used for handicap purposes for the first 3 weeks of League Play until an official average is established. If a bowler bowled in the immediate preceding season, that league end average will be used as entering average.

Rule 7. Handicap
The handicap allowance shall be 100% of the difference between the bowler’s average and 220.

Rule 8. Team Rosters
Rosters will be limited to 4 members max. No new bowlers will be added to rosters after week 6 league play begins.

Rule 9. Substitutes
A list of floating subs will be maintained. No new subs will be allowed the last week of league play unless the sub has 2l games bowled with the league. No subs will be allowed during position rounds, playoffs or roll off games.

Rule 10. Legal Lineup
Legal lineup shall consist of at least 2 bowlers, l regular bowler plus 1 substitute bowler and must be present by the end of the 3rd frame of any game in a series or the game will be subject to forfeit. Completion of the 3rd frame is defined as when both teams’ anchorman has thrown the last ball in the third frame.

Rule 11. Forfeitures
When a game is declared forfeited, the team present shall bowl as though the game was actually a contest. When a team forfeits, the opposing team must bowl within 40 pins of their current team average in order to win their points by forfeiture. Points not won for failing to bowl the prescribed score will not be credited to either team.

Rule 12. Absentee Scores
Absentee scores shall be allowed when a team has a legal lineup, but less than a full lineup at the start of any game in a series. The absent members will have a recorded average of 10 less pins from their current, actual average.

Rule 13. Vacancy Scores
Vacancy scores shall be allowed when a team does not have enough players on its roster for a full lineup. The vacancy score of 120 and a handicap of 100 will be used. If you are bowling a vacant team, you must bowl within 40 pins of your team’s total average in order to win points.

Rule 14. Tardy Players
A bowler who arrives late may enter the game, provided 3 frames have not been completed. Frames missed may be made up.

Rule 15. Postponements/Pre-Bowling
Post-bowling will not be allowed. Individual/team pre-bowling must be completed after the previous league play scheduled and prior to the next league play scheduled. Bowlers may not pre-bowl more than two league plays in the future. No officers are required to be present; however, house printout sheets and recap sheets are required to be submitted and league secretary notified of pre-bowling at charlotterainbowlers@gmail.com. Pre-bowling will not be permitted during playoff games.

Rule 16. Weekly Position Standings
Standings shall be determined on a point basis, with 2 points awarded for each game won, and 2 points awarded for high team series in each match, for a total of 8 points max score per week.

Rule 17. Team Captains
Team captains are responsible for obtaining a sanction application from the secretary for each bowler on their team and collecting the appropriate fees to be submitted in the provided team envelopes. Any games bowled by a non-sanctioned bowler are subject to forfeit. Team captains must hand their pay envelopes to the league Treasurer by the end of the first game. Team captains will also collect the $3.00 IGBO fee from each team member or new substitutes to be submitted in the provided team envelopes.

Rule 18. Playoffs
The standings will be determined by total pins (scratch plus handicap) during the three game playoff series only. The format for the playoffs shall consist of teams being paired by placement with the first-place team bowling the second-place team, the third-place team bowling the fourth-place team and so on. Any ties in a playoff game shall be decided by a single game roll off.

Rule 19. ADA Accommodations
Charlotte Rainbowlers will accommodate all officially documented disabilities to the best of the league and Bowlero Centennial Lane’s abilities.

Rule 20. USBC Rule Book
The USBC rule book shall cover rules not covered by the above league rules.

2023-2024 Officers:
President: June Taylor
Co-Vice President: Timothy Lee/Chris Catching
Treasurer: Marty Rodden
Secretary: Martin Lovelace
IGBO Rep: June Taylor
League Advisor: Martin Lovelace
Bowlero Centennial Lanes: 704-527-0333
Email: CharlotteRainbowlers@gmail.com

Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/charlotterainbowlers/shared_invite/zt-tuttha1g-HlrCFpevDTrCou1Hasm8BA